Dear Bri Podcast Cover. A podcast hosted by Bri Leever.

Client: bri leever

niche: marketing | community management

Service: podcast launch

1,156 downloads in the first 48h​

1,156 downloads in the first 48h

Here's what else happened in the first 48 hours after launch:


Countries tuned in


5-star rating reviews on Apple Podcasts 


Mentions of the podcast on Linkedin

Featured in:

her goals

Bri wanted a podcast so she could “reach a bigger audience and nurture existing followers.”

When Bri came to us, she had a crystal-clear vision for Dear Bri and a signed sponsor for season one, Heartbeat, her favorite all-in-one community platform. She was very startegic and secured an aligned  partnership from the get-go, allowing her to go all-in on this launch. She knew her listeners would be in the community space in some aspect, so having a community platfrom to recommend and partner with was a no-brainer.

That’s the power of having a niche.

But she was struggling to find the right partner to take care of all the time-consuming moving pieces:  production, editing, marketing, and launch strategy. Her audio files were also not hitting the mark in terms of quality.

She mentioned that she views launching a podcast (she has done two on her own before) can be split into two phases, the production and the marketing. And she knew, as a small business owner, she “didn’t have the capacity to do both and do it well enough.”

that's where ideablossoms comes in...

We gave her the support she needed to find the best setup and software to record crisp episodes. 

We delivered a sophisticated done-for-you marketing plan + assets like graphics, videos, captions, and swipe copy for her marketing and for her “podcast launch squad” – a launch strategy that would leverage the community she has on Linkedin (about 4,800 followers then) and email (about 600 subscribers then). 

We produced and edited the trailer and the firt 3 episodes + delivered promo assets she could share once episodes were live.

She was able to fully focus on booking guests, recording, networking on Linkedin and her comunities, and communicating with her sponsor. 

here's what we produced for dear bri:

and during launch week, this is what we saw:

Post Impressions on Linkedin
1000 +
Newsletter Subscribers

apple podcasts rankings

#28 podcast in marketing in the us:

Screenshot from podcast host Ausha showing Dear Bri rankings on Apple Podcasts on its launch week. You can see that today it ranks on #77 in Marketing in the US. The best ranking position so far was #28.

This happened within days of being live, during the podcast launch week! A week later, we're still showing up in the top 100.

top 3 in search results for:

Screenshot from Ausha's PSO dashboard show Dear Bri ranking in the top 3 results for searches for: community strategy, community strategy podcast, marketing strategies for communities, and "dear bri."

The day after launch, Aug 14th, we were already ranking in the top 3 results for important keywords, such as "community strategy"

"This podcast would not have been possible without Rosa; let alone reaching the giant success that we did! It wouldn't have been possible without Rosa and her team.

If you're testing the waters and experimenting with if a podcast is right for you, just ship the podcast really quickly yourself so you can learn quickly. But if you're at the place where I was - you have a clear vision, you know exactly what this podcast is going to do for your business, and you believe in the idea and your own abilities, then do yourself a favor and find a partner who can help make it happen. Because it won't happen on your own, it just won't. That is my biggest advice!"

a few assets we created

Dear Bri podcast launch lineup
Podcast Launch Story Graphic for Dear Bri

"You had client case studies of podcasts being in the top 5%. So I remember seeing that and feeling like, okay, they know how to help me get there."

And we did it! Top 10% worldwide according to Listen Notes in its first week:

Screenshot from Listen Notes showing Dear Bri is a top 10% podcast worldwide jsut 8 days after the podcast launch.
Before I hired Rosa, I wanted to have a hassle-free podcast launch but felt like I had no clue how to make that happen. A fear I had was that I'd have to do a lot of explaining because people want you to know every little thing before they start the work. But Rosa was easy to work with, and she knew exactly what she was doing. I felt totally at ease, and the best part was not going back and forth a million times with instructions. She just got it!
Rosa was awesome! During our VIP we were able to get all the branding, images, and recordings prepared.

The best part was how easy it was to communicate on Slack, and how she understood my vision.

I felt excited to launch my pod in Jan! Wish it was sooner.

other shows we launched

"That whole launch squad strategy was so epic! And as a community person, to leverage my community in that way was super amazing."

our impact

We’re very proud to be a part of the B1G1 Business for Good Initiative.

B1G1 is a certified B Corp that helps small businesses like ours give back and do more for the world.

When a podcast launch client chooses to work with us, we give 20 days of education and training to disadvantaged children in Vietnam.

And when we complete a podcast launch, we provide 30 days of access to sustainable water systems in Peru. 

Arrow pointing down

commonly asked


The investment to launch your podcast is $2,400 and we have a payment plan available. This covers all the support you’ll need to  launch with a trailer and 3 episodes!

Yes! With our done-for-you maarketing plan and strategy you can build the momentum you need to show up in Charts. We’ll focus on the keywords your audience is using and get you to start ranking on specific searches from the get-go. We have clients raking on TOP 100 charts in the US and Canada in several different industries, such as: Nonprofit, Entrepreneurship, and Alternative Health.

Yes. If you already have a podcast but you’re more than ready to outsource, we’re here for you. Keep scrolling down to see our podcast management packages 👇

We use Dubsado to manage clients and projects, so you’ll be able to choose the payment method best fit to you once we send you the invoice. Right now, you have the option of paying in full, or in 2 installments. If you need something else, please don’t be shy and tell me when we have our first call. Maybe I can give you what you need.

That’s awesome! Really smart way to handle your content production. You will only need to record a few things.

An intro – introducing yourself and your podcast.

An outro – something like saying goodbye, asking them to subscribe and leave a review, and share with friends.

A trailer – This is optional. To submit your podcast to Apple Podcasts and other directories, we need a trailer or an episode uploaded. I recommend a trailer, a quick 2-5 minutes episode where you talk about who you are, your mission and who you serve, how often they can expect to hear from you, what topics and guests you’ll bring to the podcast, and anything else your listeners would like to know.

CTAs – Any promotional material for future launches or freebies.

We will assist you if you have questions here. But it shouldn’t be hard at all as we’ll be taking care of the editing.

wanna see more?


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